Flour Tortillas

Homemade flour tortillas are quick and easy to make. I use my mother in-law’s recipe. She used to make them the traditional Mexican way with lard, but later discovered how tasty they are made with butter. That’s how my husband likes them, and he’s right!

Ingredients: Makes 6 tortillas

1 1/2 cups all purpose white flour

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp baking powder

3 Tb softened butter

1/3 to 1/2 cup warm water

extra flour for rolling out the tortillas


Sift flour, salt and baking powder into a medium mixing bowl, stirring well to mix. Add softened butter and 1/3 cup water and stir well with a large wooden spoon until dough is shaggy. If it is still dry, add water until the dough is soft and elastic without being too dry or sticky.

Use your hands to shape into a smooth ball.

Tear off 6 pieces and roll each one into a golf ball-sized ball, then flatten with the palm of your hand. Gather them together and place plastic wrap and a damp clean kitchen towel on top of them. Let them rest for 20 minutes so that the gluten can develop.

Roll each tortilla out until it’s very thin with a floured rolling pin on a floured board. Try to make them into a circle shape by rotating the rolling pin in a different direction each time you roll it.

Heat a dry (unoiled) comal, griddle or large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Place the tortilla in the pan for about a minute, until bubbles form

Flip the tortilla and let it cook about 15 seconds. The bottom should be golden brown.

Flip tortilla to a plate to make your burrito. Or if you’re making a stack, put it in a dishtowel-lined tortilla warmer or plate, covering with the towel after each addition to keep them warm. Eat them warm smeared with butter and rolled up – it’s super good!

I made this breakfast burrito with frijoles pintos and scrambled eggs, topped with green onions, cilantro, tomato and avocado slices and salsa.